
Showing posts from 2017

Graduation Speech

Family, friends, and fellow graduates, welcome and thank you for coming here to celebrate this milestone in our lives. We're graduating 8th grade and moving on to high school. We're all happy and excited, but at the same time we're sad, anxious and nervous. We are sad because we are leaving Golf. For the past four years Golf has been like a second home to me. Going to new, much bigger school is hard and nerve wracking for even the most outgoing person. I remember when I first came to Golf from Chicago, I had the same feeling of nervousness and anxiousness. Walking into school on that first day of 5th grade in a totally different school with different people, I didn't know what to expect. There were all these thoughts floating through my head "Would I make friends?", "Would I fit in?" "Would I be an outcast?", but walking through those doors and into the classroom, I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. Everyone seemed so nice ...

Dear 5th Grade Self

Hey 5th Grade Regina, Middle schools isn't that bad. It's not as scary as everyone makes it out to be. You get more freedom than you do in elementary school (but with more freedom comes more responsibility). Even though you are new this year you will be fine. You will meet many amazing people and make a lot of kind, supportive friends. The teachers are so incredibly nice, they want to see you do well in life and they try to help you with that. The most important thing for you to know is be true to yourself. There will be a lot of ups and downs but stick with your friends and you'll be fine. These four years will go by quickly so enjoy them as much as you can (and as you are enjoying them stay focused in school too). Your next four years at GMS will be great as long as you try your best with everything thrown at your way. Best wishes, Your Future Self

Endings and Beginnings

IT'S ALMOST THE END OF THE YEAR AND I'M NOT READY TO GRADUATE!!!! But who cares if I'm ready, I'm graduating in a month anyway. Middle school is about to end and I'm officially going to be a highschooler. In the next month till we graduate there are many fun and exciting things going on like the ABC countdown, Camp MaClean, Graduation dance, Awards Assembly, and the big, really important thing, GRADUATION!There are also thing in the last days of school made to torture us. Those thing are called final exams. They were created for the sole purpose of wanting to make kids cry. Even if and although they were made for torture I still want to study and do well on them. I want to be able to end the year strong and try my best for the rest of middle school (not just the rest of middle school though, I hope I try my best in everything for the remainder of my life).

It's complicated

One thing that I think my relationship with is complicated is school. School can be fun because I get to see my friends and hang out with them, but at the same time it can be difficult. Some subjects in particular are harder than others (which makes sense, duh math and science are going to be harder that English or social studies). I have to make more time to study for those subjects in order to get a good grade. Don't get me wrong school is awesome and important but sometimes it's just difficult. Although school is difficult and complicated it's important and I along with many others are lucky enough to get this great education. I know that one day all the hard work that everyone puts into school will be beneficial.

An Amazing Show

Well since this week's post is a free post, decided why not write about one of the most recent shows I have watched. I watched this show called 13 Reasons Why (which was based off a book for those of you who don't know). I read the book earlier this year and absolutely loved it so when I heard they were going to make a show based off of it, I was excited to say the least. After waiting and waiting (for what felt like an eternity) it finally came out. The show (and book) is about a girl, Hannah Baker, who commits suicide and leaves these tapes that are her saying her 13 reasons why she took her life. Clay Jensen, a guy who went to school with Hannah and had a crush on her, recieves these tapes one day and he's figuring out why she took her life and what he did to be one of the reasons why. The show really shows that what you do or say to a person can really affect them and what they do and see themselves as. Now I do have to say the show is extremely intense and graphic but...

Cutest Blog Post Ever

So today I found out that researchers from Hiroshima University in Japan figures out that looking at pictures or videos of cute animals can increase your concentration and efficiency. So here are some pictures of cute animals.


A lot of tributes are for people that have passed away, but not always. A tribute by definition is "a gift, testimonial, compliment, or the like, given as due or in acknowledgment of gratitude or esteem", so this tribute is to my mom. From the day I was born to now she has taken care of me and tried to help me in every way possible. She helps me become the best person I can be. My mom supports me with whatever I do and they always try to lead me in the right direction. She makes me laugh when I'm down and always tries to make things better. I feel bad now thinking about how rude I am to her sometimes even though she didn't do anything wrong and how much she has to deal with, but she always is there for me and my siblings. I'm extremely lucky to have such an amazing, supportive mom and I just wanted to take a moment to say that.

People I Would Spend the Day With

This is going to sound really lame and although everyone else is doing their post about celebrities, I would probably want to spend the day with my friends. Although we do spend some time after school together we don't hang out that often (read: we never hang out). I honestly don't know what we would do all day (we would probably decide not to do half of the things we planned on doing anyway), but we would all come together to the park or to the mall or just somewhere and have a good time while enjoying each other's company. 

My Favorite Field Trip

My favorite field trip probably has to be the 7th grade trip to Springfield. We did have to get to school ridiculously early which was the only down side. We went after we took the Constitution Test and it was such and educational and fun experience. We got to go to different places like Lincoln's Tomb, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, and other great historical places. We go to spend time with friends while doing all these things. Overall it was a great experience, we all had fun and I would love to do it again.

Movie Review

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is set in 1920s Manhattan. It follows the adventures of Newt Scamander in New York's society of  wizards seventy years prior to Harry Potter's school days at Hogwarts. This movie is amazing and it deserves a spot in the Harry Potter universe. It's has a super entertaining story and amazing characters. There is a lot of violence and deaths included in FBAWTFT so younger viewers may not be able to handle it but other than that I think that everyone should check it out.

Music the Soothing Wind

Music helps a lot of people, not just me, escape. It helps people forget about what is going on around us. When we listen to music we just get lost into it and forget all our sadness and worries.When we are happy we enjoy the music, and when we are sad we understand lyrics

3 Goals I Have if I Were the President

If I were ever to become president I would have many goals to try and make this country a better and safer place for everyone to live in. These 3 that I am talking about though, are the ones I would want to achieve the most. One thing I would want to do as president is to make healthcare affordable to everyone. One reason why healthcare is so expensive is when people without insurance go to emergency rooms and get free services, the hospitals lose money. When the hospitals lose money they compensate that by charging people with insurance more money. In order to fix/help with that I would propose that everyone should have insurance. The second area I would want to help as president is education. Many schools don't have enough funding. I would allot more funding to schools. I would help students with low income to take loans with low interest so that they can study for the courses that they like. I would also promote students to study in the areas where there is a shortage of qual...

My Favorite Present

The favorite gift I ever received was an iPod and an iPhone. Ever since I moved to GMS, I wanted to have an iPod since a lot of my friends had one. Many times I asked my parents to buy one for me but my parents always told me I shouldn't get an iPod or an iPhone yet since they were concerned that I may get addicted to it. On my eleventh birthday however, after the I cut the cake, my father gave a small packet. I didn't know what to expect. My dad told me to open the packet. I opened the packet and find out that it was an iPod. I was so excited. The my father then give me his usual speech, that I should use it responsibly. I promised him that I will use it and take care of it.