3 Goals I Have if I Were the President

If I were ever to become president I would have many goals to try and make this country a better and safer place for everyone to live in. These 3 that I am talking about though, are the ones I would want to achieve the most.
One thing I would want to do as president is to make healthcare affordable to everyone. One reason why healthcare is so expensive is when people without insurance go to emergency rooms and get free services, the hospitals lose money. When the hospitals lose money they compensate that by charging people with insurance more money. In order to fix/help with that I would propose that everyone should have insurance.
The second area I would want to help as president is education. Many schools don't have enough funding. I would allot more funding to schools. I would help students with low income to take loans with low interest so that they can study for the courses that they like. I would also promote students to study in the areas where there is a shortage of qualified persons like in the STEM and healthcare fields.
The last thing I would want to do as president is to promote gun control. Because of the easy availability of guns, there is a lot of violence happening in our country. Although I wouldn't ban guns just like that I would make it harder to get them. I would try to have everyone who wants to get one have background checks done and other safety precautions.
By focusing on healthcare, education, and gun control I think we will have a safe and prosperous country.


  1. Hey Regina!,
    I believe that all of the points you touched on are very good ones and I agree with you on all three of them. I believe that you would make a great president from what I read.

  2. This is your best post in terms of the depth of your writing. Well done.


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