Dear 5th Grade Self

Hey 5th Grade Regina,
Middle schools isn't that bad. It's not as scary as everyone makes it out to be. You get more freedom than you do in elementary school (but with more freedom comes more responsibility). Even though you are new this year you will be fine. You will meet many amazing people and make a lot of kind, supportive friends. The teachers are so incredibly nice, they want to see you do well in life and they try to help you with that. The most important thing for you to know is be true to yourself. There will be a lot of ups and downs but stick with your friends and you'll be fine. These four years will go by quickly so enjoy them as much as you can (and as you are enjoying them stay focused in school too). Your next four years at GMS will be great as long as you try your best with everything thrown at your way.
Best wishes,
Your Future Self


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