My Gratitude List
I was sitting in a chair in my house scrolling through my phone while my brother was going on and on about something. I saw my happily sister playing with her toys. I took a sip of my drink and looked around and thought, I have so much to be grateful for.
- I am thankful for my family that helps me and wants me to be the best I can become.
- I am thankful for my friends that always want to help me and wants to make me feel better when I'm down.
- I am grateful that I have food (even though no one really appreciates it much) because not everyone has it and we are really lucky to be able to say we don't like something and we want something else.
- I am thankful for my teachers that try to help me learn new things to succeed in life.
- I am thankful for the army who gives up a lot of things like staying with their family just to make us safe.
- I am grateful for medical workers because they give up time from their families to help others who are hurt. They work on holidays and days that are important to them so that they can help others get better.
- I am grateful for books that helps me understand the struggles of others. (sometimes)
- I am thankful for the government for arranging all the facilities.
- I am grateful for scientists who make new inventions and find out new things about our planet.
- I am thankful for hospitals because they help people wen they are sick and hurt.
Hey Regina! There's so many things to be grateful for! It's good that you realize what you have is something to be grateful for. Not many people realize what they have and complain more about what they don't. It's nice to know you're not one of those people :)